ShuFu Privacy enables seamless encryption and decryption in your existing webmail and other websites.
Keep your favorite websites and your privacy!
ShuFu Privacy keeps all your data locally. No third party or web service has access to your key at any point.
Your data is encrypted at all times to ensure its integrity.
ShuFu Privacy uses very strong and well-established encryption standards - PGP with a key length of 2048 bits and AES-256 by default. This means all the security from the industry standards with the comfort and mobility of your web browser.
ShuFu Privacy adds small widget buttons to your websites that allow you to easily encrypt messages on the fly, and to read encrypted messages you receive. All of this in the comfort of your browser and using your beloved webmail.
When you want to write an encrypted message, you click on the encryption icon in your website and the Compose Panel opens. Here you can choose the recipient of your message, enter your text and your "Done".
Writing your text in the addon panel makes sure that the website is not able to capture your keystrokes or save a draft of your message.
When you receive an encrypted message in a website, it will be augmented by a decrypt button. Clicking this button will decrypt the message and display it in the addon panel.
Do you have any suggestions for ShuFu Privacy? Is there a feature you would really like to have?
Please feel free to give us your feedback on our forum
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Please tell us so that we can make ShuFu Privacy even better.
Report an IssueEncryption has been available to consumers for an eternity. But so far it was never comfortable enough to allow the average user, or even power users to encrypt their messages.
The adoption of encryption in communications is at a sad low and we wanted to provide a browser based tool to remedy the situation.
ShuFu Privacy was written by C. Vorwerk and J. Ahlmann with the goal of providing browser-based high-strength encryption to allow keeping your data locally and still take advantage of web and cloud offerings.
Synchronize your encrypted data to a server so you can use it from other browsers/devices and to secure it against data loss.
One of the biggest issues with encryption is that you are not able to find past messages based on their content. We plan to offer keeping an index of your messages within your encrypted data to allow finding sent and received messages.
Include binary files, such as PDF, pictures and others, in your message. We plan to enable you to encrypt and decrypt binary files to be included in your message.